More Time and Less Money: How Will Small Businesses Thrive in 2021?

by Jan 5, 2021

2021 Unique Business Problems

When we were asked to stay inside our homes, leave our workplaces, and resume our careers from home, the pandemic created a huge crisis throughout the world, crippling the economy in the process. This sudden change has made big and small businesses close, unemployment rates to skyrocket, and for many to go hungry. Some were lucky to keep their jobs and work from their home while some sought immediate employment. 

Having more time than money, this phenomenon has made people become desperate for an alternative way to keep earning without having to leave their homes. Some have tried their luck online by taking up different careers that brought in an income. But while this situation is temporary, many are wondering how the situation will be next year once the vaccine has been widely distributed and people are allowed to slowly come back to their normal lives again. Everyone has the same questions at the back of their mind…

Will we be able to get normal employment?

How safe will it be to go out without masks?

Is the vaccine guaranteed effective? Are there any side effects?

And the most important question of all…

Can we actually thrive in 2021? Will things get better for big and small businesses alike?

So how do we make sure that our businesses can stay afloat next year despite the odds that the pandemic presents?

The economy’s response to the pandemic

A woman writing details for her small business on a wooden deskAccording to the World Economic Forum, COVID-19 has caused 3x the damage that the 2008 financial crisis did to the economy. But while Europe and other emerging markets’ economies have been hit hard, China was able to escape a recession due to their ability to continually mass produce items needed to fight the pandemic. Many are curious about what’s going to happen next year, but many are optimistic about seeing a brighter and greener economy once the pandemic is over.

No matter how hopeless many of us are, experts, however, have observed several behaviors that emerged during the time of the pandemic.

  • Countries need to prioritize the balance between the country’s safety and interests
  • People can be brought together when they’re going through the same tragedy
  • If the country’s economy is already unstable, a pandemic can make it even worse
  • The normal economy will never come back
  • The jobs we’ve had before may never come back again

Laid off? You had to close your small businesses? How will you turn this around from your sofa?

If you’re one of the millions of people who lost their jobs in 2020, then you must have been burning through your savings and actively looking for employment since the lockdowns started. While people have done the inevitable ways of resuming life through borrowing money and switching careers to earn even a little, many have sought new opportunities online. And why not?

There are several kinds of jobs and small businesses that you can do from home. All you need is a reliable internet connection, a computer/laptop, and other computer accessories such as a webcam and a headset and you’ll be good to go! 

To give you an idea of popular careers online, we’ve compiled a list of careers and sectors that you can try to do from home:

  • Order Fulfillment and Delivery
  • Web Development
  • Content Writing
  • Digital Marketing
  • Social Media Management
  • Animation
  • Blogging
  • Customer Service
  • Online Educational and English Language Tutoring
  • Graphic Design
  • Computer/IT
  • Bookkeeping
  • Virtual Assistance
  • Project Management
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Consulting
  • Data Entry
  • eCommerce Selling
  • Editing and Proofreading
  • Social Media Management

Ideas and careers for small businesses that will take off this 2021

2021 not only inspires people as the year where all things change and get better pandemic-wise, but it also marks the beginning of new careers and businesses to arise. This change is brought about by the need for 2021 to revive the economy after having so many losses in jobs, sales, and businesses. While it’s too soon to think about us coming back to our jobs the same way we did before the pandemic, it’s logical to assume how things will change when everyone does come back to work. 

Below are some of the predicted careers and business ideas that will dominate 2021:

  • Cleaning and Sanitation Services
  • Grocery Stores
  • Meal Preparation
  • Landscaping and Yard Care Services
  • Telehealth Services
  • Mental Health Providers
  • Delivery and Errand Services
  • Virtual Training
  • Home Improvement
  • Online Consulting
  • App Development
  • Web Development
  • Virtual Educational Tutoring
  • Fitness and Wellness Training

Why is this the time for small businesses to invest in a website? 

It’s surprising how many big and small businesses think that having a social media page for their business these days is enough to attract the attention of potential customers. While it’s true that a good percentage of people have access to the internet and a smartphone, it’s not guaranteed that they will easily find you.

For a business to be successful online, they need more than just a social media account. They need to make efforts in digital marketing and most especially, a website where all their leads can discover more about their brand and services. 

Read about online marketing : basics for beginners

Still not convinced you need one? Here are some statistics about the importance of a business website:

  • 81% of people online would usually conduct research first before they make a purchase
  • 25.92 million people are looking for businesses every day
  • 56% of people would usually steer clear of a business without a website
  • 35% of small businesses believe that they don’t need a business website, making them miss a good percentage of people actively looking for them
  • 79% of people believe the reviews they read online
  • 30% of people will usually return to the website they’ve purchased from
  • By the year 2040, it is assumed that most purchases will be done online
  • 97% of consumers learn more about businesses online than other platforms
  • 61% of customers will get in touch with companies if their business is mobile friendly
  • Over the past few years, “near me” and “close by” searches grew by more than 900%

How do I get a website for my small business?

Getting a website isn’t tricky anymore. You will usually get the option of either having it done by a website developer or using DIY website creators online. When you choose to work with a website developer, they will usually help you with your branding, especially if they have a background in that type of service. Hiring or outsourcing tasks to a web developer who offers branding and web design services is quite handy especially if your branding is outdated or non-existent. 

Read about outsourcing: a smart option for small business

As for using a DIY website tool, it’s very straightforward. Most of these websites are designed with drag and drop capabilities, so it’s easy to design pages that suit your branding and upload content that speaks for your brand. This option is usually very cheap. However, there are businesses that cannot benefit from it due to the need for more pages to be created and limitations of plug-ins and other types of capabilities that can be cleanly created with codes.

Interested to learn more about their differences? Learn more about working with a developer and using a DIY website tool here.

I have a website for my small business. What’s next?

The journey doesn’t end by having a website. Your website is mostly only there to act as an information bank where you educate customers and generate leads. This is true especially for small businesses that don’t sell their products and services online. 

So what do you do with your website once it’s up and running?

You promote it, of course! 

There are plenty of ways to advertise a website…

  • Improve your SEO

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. This method allows big and small businesses to improve website traffic into their website by optimizing them for higher ranking in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).  It differs from posting ads as it doesn’t require payment in order to redirect people to the business’ pages. Some of the best strategies in improving SEO include writing content with strategic keywords, building better external (links going to other websites) and internal (links inside your website) links, and uploading more content that provide value.

  • Create good content

Use keywords that are not only high ranking (based on what people are searching about), but are also valuable in your content. Having a healthy amount of keywords can enable you to get higher amounts of web traffic that attracts leads which can later convert into customers.

  • Become active on social media (especially groups for small businesses)

Being active on social media will allow you to market your content and services that may be found on your website. Targeting people from social media can also expand your chances of attracting more leads.

  • Make your branding significant

Make your branding stand out by using it consistently on your website, marketing materials, social media accounts and posts, and anything you distribute to the public.

Read about the three key questions for small business branding

  • Create a YouTube channel

By marketing your content via YouTube you allow your brand to be discovered all while educating your audience, providing value through your content, and establishing authority over specific matters that are niche to you.

  • Write for other websites

Curating content for other websites will help your name and your brand become noticed as people will eventually read their content. Doing this will not only promote your expertise on a specific subject, but will make readers curious about you and the products or services that your company provides.

Having a website in 2021 not only can allow you to get the word out there about your products and services, they will also create an organic following that you can utilize in the long run. While you’re still waiting on responses from any employer or potential client whom you want to start your new career with from home, it’s best to improvise and look at other methods of earning, such as taking your small business online and marketing your website in all available platforms. 

Are You Ready To Thrive?

It’s no wonder business owners are worried, but the ‘new normal’ does come with certain opportunities and, if you take advantage of them, you can get through this challenging time – and maybe even come out better than before.

Ready to find out how we can help? Schedule your free strategy call today on the calendar below.

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